Monday, August 14, 2006

Last Night's Run

Ever get that feeling that if you go running, that it will be really bad. I had notions that I was going to throw up, have my shins stick out of my skins, and other wild crazy thoughts. But I went ahead and ran and it was one of the best runs I had. I ran more of the of the loop I did without having to stop as often. I only stop once on the dreaded Sanhill Dr. It got to the point where it didn't hurt any more to keep going, I caught myself smiling that sick twisted smile that one does when they do something insane and enjoy it. I'm really looking forward to running tomorrow night. Last night I ran it in 31 minutes, and I would even guess that my 3.1 distance may be further. I need to drive it to double check the mileage. Oh well guess I should sleep now.

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